Sunday, February 22, 2009

CREATE yourself a new future by LOVING yourself NOW

Shri Saraswati and Love

So the basis of all creativity, of Saraswati, is love. If there is no love there’s no creativity. It’s even in the deeper sense, you see. People who have created all the scientific things are also out of love for the masses, not for themselves. Nobody has produced anything for themselves. If they make something for themselves it has to become for universal use, otherwise it has no meaning. ...

So, all the activity on the right hand side, of Saraswati, basically has to end up in love. Starts with love and ends up in love. Whichever does not end up in love coils up and finishes off. It just disappears. So you can see that even matter, which is not used for love, just finishes off. The basis has to be love.

H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, extracts from Shri Saraswati Puja, Dulia, India, 14/1/83

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